Category IT

Unraid: UPS Backup

Setting up a UPS to power down Unraid in the event of a power failure.

macOS: Connect to SMB shares on startup

2 methods: 1. Login-items: This sometimes doesn't work if the OS loads and tries to connect to the share before the network is available. 2. Automator app: This method works best. Create an automator app, then have that app load at startup using method 1 login items.

Unraid: Upgrade Parity Disk

Add a larger disk to the array as the new parity disk. Then reassign the old parity disk to the data array increasing storage space.

OPNsense NTP

Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings in OPNsense

OPNsense ZeroTier Setup

Create an Zero Tier account and setup on OPNsense following: Official Documentation. Also based off this helpful video. ZeroTier Setup OPNsense Setup

OPNsense DDNS with Cloudflare

Configure OPNsense firewall/router to update A records hosted in Cloudflare DNS when the dynamic public IP changes. OPNsense Dynamic DNS (DDNS) service with Cloudflare.