Air Fryer Tofu

Total Time: 40 mins Difficulty: Beginner
Delicious tofu in the air fryer.

Air Fryer Tofu

Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 30 mins Cook Time 10 mins Total Time 40 mins
Cooking Temp: 375  F


Option 1

Option 2


  1. Wrap block of tofu with paper towel.

    Place on a plate and place heavy cast iron skillet on top of tofu to press out liquid.

    Press for 15 minutes.

    Cut Tofu into similar size blocks.

    Place in a bowl and cover with marinade for 15-30 minutes.

  2. Cook in Air Fryer at 375 for 6-12 minutes until cooked to your liking.

    Check every 5 minutes.

    Serve in a stir fry or noodle dish

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