Self Hosted Speed Test


Testing internal network and internet speeds on home network.

Internal Speed Test

Internet speed tests have their place in troubleshooting and maintaining a network. However, sometimes you want to know what your internal network performance is like. This is where a self-hosted speed test comes into play. You can check your internal network performance. Both solutions are setup through Docker and easy to configure. See links.



Internet Speed Tracker

Personally I like to keep an eye on my internet speed provided by my ISP. This easy to use tracker setup on Docker can record Download and Upload speeds and display on a nice graph.

SpeedTest Tracker

Danny Eckes
Danny Eckes

Welcome to my personal blog! This site is dedicated to my personal interests in IT, Photography, and Cooking. Running an IT homelab and needed a website for proof of concept and constant tinkering. I figured recipes would make good content. Let's face it, finding recipes online can be challenging! Between navigating past countless ads and lengthy superfluous instructions, it takes far too long to find the actual recipe. Posting recipes here for my quick reference. Hope you can find them useful as well. Pictures (taken with mobile) and instructions written for myself.

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